How to pivot your career when you’re sick of the rat race – but not ready to retire

Given the 3.6 million “economically inactive” people aged 50-64 in this country, along with Britain’s productivity problem, it’s a topic that should be receiving far more attention. In the 2023 Budget the Chancellor announced a big “returnership” initiative to help over-50s back to work, but it was later explained that this was really only signposting … Read more

How to maintain a career and a family – from non-negotiable family time to odd socks

If you have a question for Helena Morrissey about work, pay or family, please email [email protected]  I speak at many events for women in business, and this topic comes up every single time.   It doesn’t matter how often we discuss it: on a personal and practical level, the dilemma of career vs family is real … Read more