How to protect your money when you get married after 50

Tying the knot later in life is becoming more common. The most recent data from the Office for National Statistics shows that a fifth of marriages are now between those aged 50 and over.  Along with a new lease of joy and happiness, marriage – or civil partnership – can bring a side helping of … Read more

How to spot the signs and symptoms of throat cancer

Back to index “The telltale signs are not generally silent but can take a while to be noticed,” warns Dr Naomi Vaughan, a GP with a practice in Harrow, north-west London.  Vaughan says these include: Any new lump or swelling in the neck or throat, which can present as pain-free Bad breath A persistent cough … Read more

How to eat out when you want to lose weight

The verdict Ultimately, going out will always be more indulgent than eating at home. Hope is right to point out that if we’re doing it frequently, it’s worth paying attention.  “If you think about it objectively, a three course meal is a lot of food and way more than you would eat if you were … Read more

How to treat adult acne

Hormonal factors in adulthood  One of the underlying causes of acne can be changes in hormones, particularly androgens like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (male hormones which we all have in our skin). Androgens can make the sebaceous glands produce more sebum, an oily substance that protects your skin from drying out, and a build-up of sebum … Read more

How to make pension contributions to lower your tax bill

Top-rate payer? You can save 60.8pc If you use salary sacrifice, your employer might decide to pass on the savings it makes in National Insurance to you via your pension. Additional rate taxpayers would save 45pc in tax, plus 2pc in National Insurance. If the employer passes on its own 13.8pc in National Insurance, this … Read more

Symptoms, causes and how to respond

According to Dr French, the differences between the two are very subtle with migraine sufferers also often experiencing temporary difficulties with speech and confusion during an attack. However, while the symptoms of a mini stroke tend to feature loss of sensory functions, many migraine symptoms involve sensory alterations which migrate their way down the body. … Read more

The three types of hay fever in Britain – and how to manage the one you’ve got

“We recommend starting reasonably early – as soon as the pollen count starts to creep up, take antihistamines,” says Morris. “If that’s not controlling things, migrate onto the nasal spray and eye drops.” GPs can also prescribe steroid treatments when these options don’t work. People who are still debilitated by their hay fever symptoms after … Read more

How to deal with HMRC when you need to get in touch

If you’re an individual, you can report a change in name or address via the Government Gateway service, post or via HMRC’s app. You can also do this by phone – have your National Insurance number ready. For businesses, you must tell HMRC if your name, business name, personal address or trading address change. You … Read more

How to write the perfect cover letter

It can be tempting to trawl through your old job applications or even to use the cover letter that you wrote for another opening just weeks ago, but it’s best to avoid regurgitating the same letter for different employers. Recruiters and hiring managers will be able to spot bland, generic sentences easily. Research the company … Read more

How to invest £1,000 – and make it work as hard as possible

Adding some fixed income exposure to those equities – a 20pc bonds, 80pc stocks mix – reduces the volatility.  A portfolio with this mix typically falls less, reduced to 19pc before recovering over time. Return expectations are also dampened with volatility however, and an average return on £1,000 over five years is £1,892. Still too … Read more