Western allies split over how to make Putin pay  – POLITICO

It’s a plan that U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration is backing heavily but so far Europe’s most powerful governments in Paris, Berlin and Rome are unconvinced. Washington policymakers are piling pressure on their allies to ditch their hang-ups over what would be an unprecedented step fraught with legal, ethical and political difficulties. “It’s never been … Read more

One Tech Tip: Ready to go beyond Google? Here’s how to use new generative AI search sites

LONDON (AP) — It’s not just you. A lot people think Google searches are getting worse. And the rise of generative AI chatbots is giving people new and different ways to look up information. While Google has been the one-stop shop for decades — after all, we commonly call searches “googling” — its longtime dominance … Read more

How to advocate for yourself and navigate a strained health-care system – National

Ongoing reports of emergency room overcrowding, long surgery wait times and physician shortages may be causing many Canadians to avoid the health-care system altogether or worry about the care they may receive. A survey published by Leger this week shows that Canadians are feeling the impact of the country’s health-care crunch, with 70 per cent … Read more

Do you know how to stay safe if you lose heat during extreme cold?

Extreme cold has swept across Canada, bringing heavy snowfall and strong winds and breaking temperature records in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territories. Those temperatures, the Red Cross warns, can bring frostbite and hypothermia — even death. “As Canadians, no matter where we are, whether it’s Winnipeg or up north or Victoria, we … Read more

Gloomy weather got you down? How to navigate seasonal affective disorder – National

For many Canadians, a look outside their window this week will reveal a gloomy sight. Grey skies are all too common in the winter months when the days are shorter than ever. So is seasonal affective disorder (SAD). According to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), SAD is a type of seasonal depression. … Read more