How To Find Your Place Of Most Potential For Career Sucess

A successful businesswoman in her Place of Most Potential For Career Success getty You have probably heard the analogy about a bottle of water priced differently in various settings. At a vending machine, a bottle of water is $1; at a nice restaurant, it is $4; and if you go to a professional sporting event, … Read more

Change your job search strategy to deal with age bias; how to search jobs aligned with age

No Country for Old Men—the title of this Coen Brothers’ Hollywood thriller, could well have been the headline for the current job market, both in India and abroad, where age and experience hang like millstones around the necks of job seekers. Employers and hiring managers alike seem to be dealing with reduced budgets and a … Read more

How To Discover, Define, And Deliver On Your Personal Brand

Photo credit getty Discovering, defining, and delivering on your personal brand is an essential journey towards increasing both your professional success and the satisfaction you derive from your work. It is a process that involves self-discovery, storytelling, and strategy. Your personal brand is your career’s most valuable asset, and cultivating it effectively through a structured … Read more

How to Combat an “Always On” Work Culture

Imagine a world where your boss could be fined for contacting you after hours. California is considering a law to make this a reality.   The “right to disconnect” movement is gaining traction globally, with Australia joining France, Italy, Slovakia, Luxembourg, Portugal and the Canadian province of Ontario in passing legislation to empower employees to switch off outside of … Read more

Presidents grapple with how to respond to student protesters

When Michigan State University students established an encampment to call for divestment from Israel over civilian casualties in Gaza, President Kevin Guskiewicz visited the site to speak with student activists about their concerns. In response to similar protests, presidents at Emory University, University of Texas at Austin, and elsewhere sent in the police, who arrested … Read more

How to Get a Job in Crypto: Bitcoin Price Spike Draws Young Startup Founders

Mimi St Johns couldn’t wait to drop out of Stanford University. The 24-year-old computer science and German double major, former Thiel Capital intern and software engineer had the pedigree to land a coveted role in the upper echelons of Corporate America. But last fall, as the so-called crypto winter started to thaw, she hatched a … Read more

Teach students how to translate their learning for employers (opinion)

Here are some things faculty members say when administrators start talking about career readiness: “We are not here to teach skills.” (The word “skills” often comes out covered in stank.) “We teach students how to think critically, communicate clearly, and analyze interestingly and those are things any employer should value.” “We need to make sure … Read more