The Key to Team Success

. Pexels “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” That African proverb captures the essence of teamwork and the rationale for doing it well. Regardless of their composition, teams don’t function in a vacuum. To help ensure success, it’s critical to establish and maintain the right […]

Do You Really Want To Get Ahead? Don’t Be Afraid To Make Waves

. Pexels Somewhere, sometime, someone may have told you “don’t make waves.” Maybe you challenged an idea you thought needed closer examination. Maybe you proposed a solution that ran contrary to the thinking of everyone else in the room. In any event, someone may have urged you to simply go along with the status quo. […]

How Oct. 7 changed higher ed—and how to move forward now

In retrospect, perhaps it was inevitable that the horrifying Hamas attack on Israel last Oct. 7—and the escalation of horrors that ensued when Israel invaded Gaza—would light a spark on many U.S. campuses. But few could have predicted the breadth of the repercussions that would ripple out across the world of higher education. As the vigils […]

How to Build Your Online Presence as a Developer

When entering a career, you have to find something that makes you competitive—something that makes someone say, “Hey, I want to hire this person so we can work together on this product or project.” There are many ways to achieve this. You can be skilled, you can have a good network, you can have rich […]

How To Crack The Code And Layoff-Proof Your Career

You can take proactive steps to layoff-proof your career. getty According to the most recent survey from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the percentage of job seekers in the last month rose to 28%. That’s the largest share since 2014 and a nearly 10-point increase from the same time a year ago. The […]

How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile in 6 Easy Steps

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. With more than 1 billion users in 200 countries worldwide, LinkedIn is currently the largest professional networking platform. So, whether for professional networking or job search purposes, it’s more important than ever to customize and optimize your LinkedIn profile. Similar to advertising, visitors to your profile page […]

How To Plan Your Career Path

Businesswoman handshake getty What’s the best way to plan your career path? originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. Answer by Charlene Walters, PhD, Business Mentor, Consultant, Corporate Trainer & Author, on Quora: What’s so amazing about one’s career path […]

Global Talent Visa: How to Move to the UK Without an Employer

If you want to relocate to the UK, this blog is for you. In this blog, I will share information about the Global Talent Visa (GTV). I am a GTV holder and did this without the help of any lawyers or agencies. In this blog, I will share my experience with you.In this blog, we […]

How to prepare for and protect your career against layoffs (opinion)

The long-feared enrollment cliff—the result of a projected decrease in high school graduates—is no longer a distant threat. It’s here. Across the United States, colleges and universities are grappling with declining student numbers, leading to program closures and escalating layoffs. For many faculty and staff members, such employment changes come without warning and lack transparency, […]