Change your job search strategy to deal with age bias; how to search jobs aligned with age

No Country for Old Men—the title of this Coen Brothers’ Hollywood thriller, could well have been the headline for the current job market, both in India and abroad, where age and experience hang like millstones around the necks of job seekers. Employers and hiring managers alike seem to be dealing with reduced budgets and a … Read more

How To List Certificates On Your Resume In 2024

To list certificates on your resume, you need to follow certain resume conventions so it can easily … [+] be noticed by scanners, hiring managers, and recruiters getty A certification may appear to be no more than a plain sheet of paper, a mere formality; but achieving one and including it within your resume can … Read more

How to Create Exam Marker with Power Automate and MS Forms

So the objective was easy, I wanted a way to test users and automatically send them their results. I had no budget for an off the shelf option, and hey I’m a Power Platform developer, this should be easy. I could have gone down the Power App avenue, but that would be locked to one … Read more