Hurricane season 2024 is here and this is how you can prepare yourself

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Hurricane season is upon us, known for disastrous flooding and high-speed winds in coastal areas of the United States and in the Caribbean and Central America, and emergency management officials are urging people to stay prepared. Unlike previous hurricane seasons, this summer brings record hot temperatures nationwide and an … Read more

The secret of their success: How to keep your cafe full and customers coming back for more

Browns Eatery co-owners Jenefer Bilkey and husband Dan Alderson have replicated their successful cafe formula in Kohimarama and Parnell. Photo / Dean Purcell Ask Bilkey why the Browns formula works and she takes time to ponder the question. She’s been so busy she hasn’t had much time to think about it. So many reasons, she … Read more

NOAA expects 4 to 7 major hurricanes in 2024. How to prepare your home

Hurricane Irma strikes Miami, Florida, in 2017. Warren Faidley | Getty Images Hurricane season has officially begun. With scientists predicting yet another active year for storms, making your home hurricane resistant has become a more valuable precaution. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said in its forecast May 23 that it expects an 85% chance … Read more

Up close: Mountain communities re-learn how to live with wildfires

Beginning in the late 19th century, all-out fire suppression became the official policy of land management offices in Colorado and other Western states. Although many Indigenous communities were well acquainted with the role fire played in natural land cycles and ecosystem management, their expertise was cast aside in favor of the new government’s suppression goals.  … Read more

How to adapt to climate change may be secondary at COP28, but it’s key to saving lives, experts say

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — As United Nations climate talks enter their second week, negotiators who are largely focused on how to curb climate change have another thing on their plates: how to adapt to the warming that’s already here. Discussions for what’s known as the Global Goal on Adaptation — a commitment made … Read more

Scientists Have Been Freezing Corals for Decades. Now They’re Learning How to Wake Them Up

This story originally appeared in Hakai and is part of the Climate Desk collaboration. Arah Narida leans over a microscope to gaze into a plastic petri dish containing a hood coral. The animal—a pebbled blue-white disk roughly half the size of a pencil eraser—is a marvel. Just three weeks ago, the coral was smaller than … Read more