How To Identify The Direct, Tangible Benefits Of Inclusion

Statistics of business concept. Group of businessperson. Teamwork. Human resources. getty There is a framework in sales that considers the potential benefits of an offering based on two dimensions: tangible vs. intangible and direct vs. indirect (TIDI). When making purchasing decisions, customers tend to estimate the value of the offering based primarily on its direct, […]
How To Make Gen Z Stop Scrolling And Pay Attention

This is the published version of Forbes’ CMO newsletter, which offers the latest news for chief marketing officers and other messaging-focused leaders. Click here to get it delivered to your inbox every Wednesday. Retail is not dead, far from it. But what consumers are looking for at a physical store—as well as an online version […]
How To Not Get Canceled When You Make An Allyship Mistake

Wooden blocks with “CANCEL” text of concept. getty Most people are well-intentioned and want to be better allies, yet they are also humans who make mistakes. Hopeful allies will most certainly make mistakes along the journey to becoming an ally. By definition, allyship requires taking risks on someone else’s behalf. These risks can result in […]
Opinion: Motherhood is joy, but also grief. Cancer taught me how to live with both

Open this photo in gallery: Farrah Khan and Kristyn Wong-Tam have a son, now 4, thanks to in vitro fertilization. A frozen supply of embryos could have given him a sibling, but a cancer diagnosis threw a wrench in those plans.Eden Graham Farrah Khan, executive director at Action Canada, is currently on medical leave. “Do […]
How To Calculate The Financial Impact Of Inclusion

Animated screenshot of the Aleria Inclusion Impact Calculator Paolo Gaudiano This blog introduces a simple way for any organization to estimate the financial impact of inclusion. The ideas described in this blog are captured in an interactive Inclusion Impact Calculator that readers can try for themselves. At the heart of the calculator is the assumption […]