Researchers find hint at how to delay Alzheimer’s symptoms

An experimental treatment appears to delay Alzheimer’s symptoms in some people genetically destined to get the disease in their 40s or 50s, according to new findings from ongoing research now caught up in Trump administration funding delays. The early results — a scientific first — were published Wednesday even as study participants worried that politics […]

How to beat the big four diseases of ageing

Cancer Cancer can strike at any age, but the older we get, the more likely it becomes. “The two most common cancers of old age are breast and prostate cancers,” says Dr Richard Siow, the director of Ageing Research at King’s College London. “As we age, our cellular mechanisms reduce the clearance of damage within […]

How to have a difficult conversation with a confused older person

“All those sorts of very slight things we can get over, but all together, they then start to become a big problem. And that’s what’s happening to Joe Biden now, isn’t it?” says Carter. The best approach is starting discussions as early as possible. If they need support at work “If you’re a good manager, […]

How to get rid of earwax at home

What? … say that again. While a blocked nose can be annoying, blocked ears stuffed up with wax is maddening. Not just for you but for everyone you’re conversing with. One in five people suffer from an overproduction of earwax, leading them to spend hours of their lives digging into their lugholes to claw out […]

What does the latest research say about how to reduce dementia risk?

You may be aware that smoking, lack of exercise, poor diet and too much alcohol are linked to dementia and stroke. But there are some other, perhaps surprising, ways you can reduce your risk of cognitive impairment as you age. Sleep, socialising, challenging your brain, and small amounts of alcohol have all been found to […]