Opinion: Great budget, Ottawa, but how to execute it when Canada fails to retain talent?

Open this photo in gallery: People walk through the business district in downtown Toronto on July 30.Christopher Katsarov/The Globe and Mail Lisa Lalande is chief executive officer of Century Initiative. You can’t win a war if you’re unaware you’re in the fight. And right now, unbeknownst to many, Canada is fighting a global war for … Read more

PODCAST: How to develop the next generation of leaders

Brian Fassett wants to grow leaders from within. Advantis Credit Union’s director of learning and development joins today’s episode of the America’s Credit Union podcast to share how the $2 billion asset credit union in Portland, Ore., goes about finding and developing prospective leaders within the organization. “A number of years ago our CEO and … Read more

How to Implement Micro Frontends Using SystemJS: A Comprehensive Guide

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, the need for scalable, maintainable, and flexible architectures has never been greater. Enter micro frontends, a design approach that breaks down the frontend monolith into smaller, more manageable pieces. Much like microservices have revolutionized backend development by decomposing complex applications into smaller services, micro frontends aim to achieve … Read more

Power Automate – How to Test your Flows

There are 2 things developers hate, testing and documentation. I know it doesn’t matter how important they are, they are just boring 😎 But I look at them as an investment, 10 minutes of testing = hour saved of debugging, and the only thing worst than debugging is debugging when it’s in production. There are … Read more

How to overcome writer’s block as a developer blogger?

This year, I decided to solidify my writing habit by publishing an article every week. It went well for the first couple of weeks, but as time went on, it began to feel like a drag. Ideas kept slipping away, and words seemed to escape me. Writing became a chore. I found myself scrambling every … Read more

Database 101: How to Model Leaderboards for 1M Player’s Game.

Ever wondered how a game like League of Legends, Fortnite, or even Rockband models its leaderboards? In this article, we’ll find out how to properly model a schema to handle them in a monstrously performative way! If you’re just getting started with databases in general or databases, you might want to start off by reading … Read more

How to Create Exam Marker with Power Automate and MS Forms

So the objective was easy, I wanted a way to test users and automatically send them their results. I had no budget for an off the shelf option, and hey I’m a Power Platform developer, this should be easy. I could have gone down the Power App avenue, but that would be locked to one … Read more

How to fix huggingface ssh authentication error with git

So I recently started to use huggingface.co to store and retrieve models for our AI project at work, and as it essentially works like any other git repositories, I wanted to clone a model I needed to use, and used the SSH protocol to do so, as I really don’t want to enter credentials every … Read more

How to Review Code – DEV Community

Everyone of us does code reviews daily, weekly, or at least monthly, however, what strategy do you use to review code? I hope you’re not jumping on a piece of code and start reviewing. Writing code is an art, similarly reviewing it. Background Even after writing and reviewing the code in different languages for more … Read more