How to protect your money when you get married after 50

Tying the knot later in life is becoming more common. The most recent data from the Office for National Statistics shows that a fifth of marriages are now between those aged 50 and over.  Along with a new lease of joy and happiness, marriage – or civil partnership – can bring a side helping of … Read more

How to survive heartbreak

March 2020 will most likely be etched deep for all of us. It was, of course, the month that the UK went into lockdown, and what we all thought (hoped) was going to last three weeks turned into two years of darkness, fear and uncertainty. I remember it for another reason – my 16-year relationship … Read more

how to deal with missing your children when you’re away from them

It was last Monday that it truly hit. The recognition that I was going to be seeing my children for half of their childhood since divorcing. My kitchen clock showed 3.15pm, their school pick-up time. A wash of sadness came over me as I thought about them bundling out of school without me to scoop … Read more