Will gold outshine markets in 2024? Experts weigh in on how to adjust your portfolios

Gold and equities each have distinct characteristics, and the decision between the two is not about choosing one over the other but rather about strategically allocating to both to mitigate risk. Historically, both asset classes have delivered returns, but their performance cycles often vary, underscoring the importance of diversification for a balanced risk-return profile. Data […]
How to rebalance your investment portfolio

WHAT’S REBALANCING?As the name suggests, rebalancing means helping regain the balance. When the reference is to an investment portfolio, it means reverting to the original asset allocation or portfolio composition. This is done by buying or selling different assets so that the initial balance or weightage of assets is retained. An investment portfolio is built […]
How to save for retirement: Investment tips for moderate risk takers

I am 35, and recently started a new job with a monthly income of ₹1.5 lakh. I have no significant liabilities and can save 40% of my income. My investments include: ₹10 lakh in MFs (large- and mid-caps, and debt funds); ₹5 lakh in fixed deposit; and ₹3 lakh in PPF. I aim to accumulate […]
Here’s How To Understand If You’re Getting Paid Fairly

Employees shouldn’t have to earn more because of their gender. getty Are you paid fairly? You probably don’t know, and that’s the case for the majority of candidates. Some states, like California and New York, have laws to mandate salary transparency, but many times, companies don’t share salary data and calculations with candidates. The reality […]