How to be an ethical leader

Listeners will discover how to establish clear ethical standards, implement effective feedback mechanisms, eliminate misaligned incentives, and embed diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) into their leadership approach. Whether your goal is to build trust, lead with integrity, or make DEI a cornerstone of your organisational culture, this episode provides a practical roadmap for mastering ethical […]
How to Close the Gender Health Gap

If you’re a man, you are more likely to suffer a health condition that kills you. But if you’re a woman, you are more likely to live in ill health. Women spend 25 percent more of their lives in ill health compared to men. This, in a nutshell, is the gender health gap. When a […]
Protesters Are Fighting to Stop AI, but They’re Split on How to Do It

Would it be too disruptive if protests staged sit-ins or chained themselves to the doors of AI developers, one member of the Discord asked. “Probably not. We do what we have to, in the end, for a future with humanity, while we still can.” Meindertsma had been worried about the consequences of AI after reading […]
OpenAI Is ‘Exploring’ How to Responsibly Generate AI Porn

OpenAI released draft documentation Wednesday laying out how it wants ChatGPT and its other AI technology to behave. Part of the lengthy Model Spec document discloses that the company is exploring a leap into porn and other explicit content. OpenAI’s usage policies curently prohibit sexually explicit or even suggestive materials, but a “commentary” note on […]
How to Resist the Temptation of AI When Writing

Your local public library is a great source of free information, journals, and databases (even ones that generally require a subscription and include embargoed research). For example, your search should include everything from health databases (Sage Journals, Scopus, PubMed) to databases for academic sources and journalism (American Periodical Series Online, Statista, Academic Search Premier) and […]
How To Master Ethical Leadership In An Uncertain World

embrace paradox getty Envision steering through a maze where each twist and turn brings unexpected hurdles and hidden detours. Such is the terrain of contemporary leadership. Our paths brim with complexity and unpredictability. Yet, we wish to lead with purpose and courage despite the challenges. In the relentless terrain of modern leadership, we must adopt […]
A How-To Guide on Acquiring AI Systems

International Data Corp. estimated that US $118 billion was spent globally in 2022 to purchase artificial intelligence hardware, software, and data services. IDC has predicted the figure will nearly triple, to $300 billion, by 2026. But public procurement systems are not ready for the challenges of procuring AI systems, which bring with them new risks […]
The “Trolley Problem” Doesn’t Work for Self-Driving Cars

If you were the conductor of a trolley barreling toward two human beings, each one on either end of a fork in the track, could you choose which life to spare? This problem, one of the most famous thought experiments in all of philosophy, was proposed by British philosopher Phillipa Foot in 1967 as a […]