How to Exercise Safely During a Heat Wave

THIS ARTICLE IS republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. When summer starts with a stifling heat wave, as many places are seeing in 2024, it can pose risks for just about anyone who spends time outside, whether they’re runners, people who walk or cycle to work, outdoor workers, or kids playing sports. … Read more

Not a gym rat? Here’s how to get started on an outdoor exercise routine | Health

Between the sweat smell, fluorescent lights and omnipresent television screens, April Herring has never connected with going to the gym. Getting started on an outdoor routine, however, might not be as easy as signing up for another gym membership. Here’s how to get going.(Shutterstock) Instead, she runs, bikes, hikes, plays tennis, pickleball and football — … Read more

The health risks of being a skinny old person – and how to stay strong

Build up the length of your walks slowly  Walking is the starting point for someone who wants to strengthen their heart and lungs. Quinn advises against high intensity. “If anyone’s going to suffer a cardiovascular episode, an arrhythmia or atrial fibrillation, it will be someone in that older age bracket – the heart is ageing … Read more

How to begin exercising in your 50s, even if you haven’t ever in your life? | Health and Wellness News

One of my students asked me if the 50s, or for that matter the middle ages, are a good time to start exercising. He said he had never exercised in his life. Truth is anytime is a good time to get up and move. Slowly and steadily, your body will start stabilising, turning around and … Read more

How to Help Patients Lose Weight After Menopause

Unwanted weight gain is a common problem for women after menopause. Primary care clinicians have likely heard from patients that attempts at shedding extra pounds are not working. Nearly three fourths of women aged 60 years and older in the United States are overweight. Some may blame menopause for this trend. But the life stage … Read more

How to make weight loss, exercise New Year’s resolutions that last

— After setting New Year’s resolutions, it is those days and weeks after January that can catch up with even the best of intentions. So how do you make your New Year’s resolution stick? Experts say it is important to remember it is a journey, not an overnight fix, especially when it comes to the … Read more

How to have a fall safely is you’re over 65

Spread your surface area “When I teach students how to fall, they learn to do it without using their hands, as these are the first parts of the body to get injured when hitting the ground,” says Petrides. Repeated training means he now does the same, instinctively: “On one occasion I was going to dinner … Read more