How to Exercise Safely During a Heat Wave

THIS ARTICLE IS republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. When summer starts with a stifling heat wave, as many places are seeing in 2024, it can pose risks for just about anyone who spends time outside, whether they’re runners, people who walk or cycle to work, outdoor workers, or kids playing sports. … Read more

Buying a house? How to check if it’s at risk from sinking, flooding or dirty air from climate change

Don’t make the biggest purchase of your life without checking these risks first. ADVERTISEMENT For most people, buying a home is the biggest investment of their life. So it makes sense to take every risk into account. Increasingly, climate change is taking its toll on the property market, damaging and devaluing homes, and driving up … Read more

Aussie kids learn what to pack in an emergency and how to prepare emotionally for disaster

In short: As the frequency and severity of extreme weather events is increasing, so too is eco-anxiety, especially in young people.  The Pillowcase Project teaches kids how to prepare for natural emergencies. What’s next? Leading environmental psychologists recommend parents help their children to develop techniques to manage anxiety about climate change and extreme weather. In her regional Victorian classroom, teacher … Read more