How to Avoid US-Based Digital Services—and Why You Might Want To

Law enforcement requests for user data from Apple, Google, and Meta mean that these companies can decide whether government authorities have access to your personal information, including location data. This means the companies with the most insight into our lives, movements, and communications are frontline arbiters of our constitutional rights and the rights of non-US […]

Here’s How To Know If Your Facebook Has Been Hacked: 4 Signs

It’s not always immediately obvious that your Facebook account has been hacked, but there are … [+] certain signs. NurPhoto via Getty Images It’s one of those heart-sink moments: the suspicion that your Facebook has been hacked. Someone has got hold of your login and password and taken over your account. Messages that you haven’t […]

How to Opt Out of A.I. Online

Last week, like the Jews of Exodus painting blood on their lintels, hundreds of thousands of Instagram users posted a block of text to their accounts hoping to avoid the plague of artificial intelligence online. “Goodbye Meta AI,” the message began, referring to Facebook’s parent company, and continued, “I do not give Meta or anyone […]

How to opt out of Instagram and Facebook training AI on your posts

Instagram users are sharing a dubious image in the hope that it will opt them out of the platform’s controversial AI policy – but the Story post won’t help one bit. Instagram and Facebook users in the UK earlier this month started receiving notifications alerting them about the official change. As part of the new […]

Meta Connect 2024: How to Watch and What to Expect

Meta Connect, the big developer event and hardware showcase from the company that runs Facebook and Instagram, is kicking off next week. Meta is likely to show off its new VR and mixed-reality technology, put a shiny polish on its meandering metaverse ambitions, and delve into all the fresh ways it plans to squeeze artificial […]

How to Be a Christian Influencer Worthy of the Na…

There’s good reason for the church to be wary of social media influencers—particularly those who speak to spiritual matters. We aren’t wrong to be disconcerted at the idea of Christians being led by online personalities who might be more charismatic than theologically sound or more creative than credible, especially when the influencers are disconnected from […]