How to build a financial fitness routine, just like exercising

How much time per week do you spend on your personal finances and investments? I’m asking for a reader who recently sent me a most original question. “Many health experts recommend a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week for good health. My question is, What is the financial equivalent? What are your […]
How I use ‘sinking funds’ to better manage my budget and avoid bill shock

Earlier this year, I found myself between jobs. The news came out of the blue, and I had to reassess my spending while I looked for work. The situation would have been much more difficult had it not been for my sinking funds. If you haven’t heard the term before, a sinking fund simply means […]
How to protect your career after kids with ‘couple maths’ – Cooking the Books

Each week BusinessDesk and the NZ Herald’s Cooking the Books podcast tackles a different money problem. Today, it’s the longterm planning that can make a big difference to your finances. Hosted by Frances Cook. Having kids is a joy and delight, but often also a big hit to the finances, and even the career. It’s […]