How to ‘Drink … With a Merry Heart’ as a Catholic| National Catholic Register

Many people, including college students, do not know how to consume — so let’s fix that, rooted in community. Plenty of good stories have started by vibing with the old guy playing a fiddle at an Irish bar, sitting around a bonfire sipping on a cold beer or conversing with friends over a gin and […]
Scared of saying the ‘wrong’ thing? Here’s how to reach out to people in hard times

Australians have been reporting increasing levels of psychological distress in recent years. According to the Suicide Prevention Australia Community Tracker, over the past two years, more than 70 per cent of Australians have consistently reported feeling higher levels of distress than usual because of social and economic circumstances. Cost of living, family and relationship breakdown, […]
Priya Parker: How to come together in a meaningful way

Looking to infuse more connection into your time with friends and family? Facilitator Priya Parker urges us to approach gathering with intention and creativity. Diving into the evolving significance of coming together both in-person and virtually, she demystifies the role of a host, outlines mistakes we should avoid and shares the potential of thoughtfully designed […]
How to Actually Maintain Close Friendships in Your 30s

The solution to this struggle, according to Dr. Phillips, is to get interested in who your pal is now because, inevitably, people—and their interests, goals, and achievements—grow and evolve over time. Even if it feels like you don’t have as much in common, you can still ask questions to understand their experiences and how they […]
How to Support a Grieving Friend| National Catholic Register

We know well that earth is the vale of tears. This side of heaven, we will most certainly encounter loss, as will the people around us. While this is no secret, when the death of a loved one comes to our own lives, it can leave us frozen in our tracks and unsure of how […]
Solo travel doesn’t have to be lonely: Here’s how I make friends on the road

From online groups to going phone-free, here’s how I make friends while travelling solo. ADVERTISEMENT I was walking along the Guadalquivir River in Seville, where I had just begun my latest solo travel adventure. The weather was warm, the riverfront was bustling with people, and the view of the golden Torre Del Oro was breathtaking. […]
How to make small talk if you are to succeed socially this Christmas

“Hello, lovely to meet you. So, how much do you weigh?” Don’t worry, you needn’t answer unless you wish to. But you’ll agree it’s a useful reminder of how not to make small talk if you want to succeed socially this Christmas. You might assume it’s intuitive to avoid highly personal questions when shooting the […]