How To Regrow Vegetables From Scraps | Lifestyle |

Rather than throwing your scraps in the bin or the compost, why not grow new vegetables?! Here's your quick guide to growing root veg from scraps! Source link

How to get started with composting, and the surprising things you can throw in

Whether you’re new to composting or already an expert — you may be surprised by some of the household items you can throw into the mix. Gardening Australia’s Hannah Moloney, who is also the director of Good Life Permaculture, says there’s a type of composting for everyone. Knowing what to include can make the process … Read more

How to replace your sad dirt patch of a lawn with the most stunning wildflowers

SAN ANTONIO – If you want to transform your sad dirt patch that is supposed to be a lawn into a healthy prairie that grows blooming flowers, it requires little work and water. Here’s what you need to do A good place to start is with the American basketflower, which takes the crown when it … Read more

How to Create a Moon Garden: Here’s Why You Should Sync Your Plants to the Lunar Cycle

A moon garden comes to life at night. Teeming with silver foliage and fragrant night-blooming plants, this type of garden actually flowers in the dark and therefore offers a unique experience for all the senses. “Enjoying a moon garden can be an unexpectedly sensual experience,” says Jarema Osofsky in her new book, Moon Garden: A … Read more

Gardening: How to spend the winter planning and preparing for the spring

Gardening isn’t usually the first thing that springs to mind when the calendar page turns to January. But with the holidays behind us, there’s no better time to start planning and preparing our 2024 gardens. Of course, that will mean different things in different places. It’s impossible to account for every microclimate in every region, … Read more