Ayelet Fishbach: How to set the right goals and stay motivated

You can’t just “find” motivation, says scientist Ayelet Fishbach — you have to learn how to motivate yourself. She shares a handful of tips backed by 20 years of motivation research, offering surprisingly simple wisdom on how to optimize your goals, set yourself up for success and avoid the tempting calls of procrastination. Source link

How to Set Realistic Goals And Expectations

How to set realistic goals and expectations Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash A major pitfall on the path to leading and living with more purpose is doing what we think we “should” do. This “shoulding” may be based on what our colleagues, neighbors, or family members do or on what they told us, directly or … Read more

How to Connect the Two

Having a vision of what you need to accomplish is not enough. You must also set achievable goals along the way. getty Exponential IMPACT exists when a Vision others want to follow is created and communicated. Goals people understand and can execute align with that vision are established. Meanwhile, simple systems for maximum productivity are … Read more

How to make weight loss, exercise New Year’s resolutions that last

— After setting New Year’s resolutions, it is those days and weeks after January that can catch up with even the best of intentions. So how do you make your New Year’s resolution stick? Experts say it is important to remember it is a journey, not an overnight fix, especially when it comes to the … Read more