Small caps are outperforming large caps. How to use charts to find buy candidates in the group

There has been a lot of discussion about the recent outperformance of the Russell 2000 Index , the small-cap benchmark, to the broader market Let’s take a look back at what the Russell 2000 has actually done and what specific areas of the index to look for opportunities. The outperformance of the iShares Russell 2000 … Read more

How to invest in private markets like the super-rich: Hamilton Lane’s Juan Delgado-Moreira

There’s a growing interest in alternative assets from all corners of the investing landscape, including family offices, endowment funds, insurers, financial advisors — and increasingly the super-rich , according to investment manager Juan Delgado-Moreira. “The ultra-high-net-worth are drawn to private markets and are increasing their allocations to the asset class because they offer a range of … Read more