How To Be Happy As An Entrepreneur

How to be happy as an entrepreneur getty Running a business takes everything you’ve got. Most entrepreneurs push themselves to breaking point, skip meals and workouts, and believe the grind equals growth. But science tells us happiness comes from balance, not burnout. The most successful founders know this, and they protect their wellbeing like they […]

Guy Winch: How to protect your emotional health during the holidays

The end of the year is often a time to reflect and spend time with family — activities that may seem joyful or anxiety-inducing, depending on your circumstances. Psychologist Guy Winch offers actionable advice on how to manage your emotions with confidence during the holidays, from setting boundaries to healing heartache — above all reminding […]

Nicky Trevorrow: How to make your cat happier — in 3 minutes

There’s a simple way to increase your cat’s happiness, says animal behaviorist Nicky Trevorrow. She explains the importance of play for our feline friends — and for basically any species (looking at you, dog lovers!) — and shares specific, actionable strategies to boost your cat’s mental and physical health. Source link

How to Build Your Confidence So You Can Have the Life You Deserve

If you somehow came out of your teenage years as a fully self-assured adult who always holds your head high, you’re lucky. Even for those of us who were fortunate enough to have great role models, a bunch of uncontrollable factors—including trauma, bullying, and societal expectations—can make it really hard to feel self-assured. The good […]

How to Actually Maintain Close Friendships in Your 30s

The solution to this struggle, according to Dr. Phillips, is to get interested in who your pal is now because, inevitably, people—and their interests, goals, and achievements—grow and evolve over time. Even if it feels like you don’t have as much in common, you can still ask questions to understand their experiences and how they […]

How to Be Less Judgmental

“Pausing helps us recognize, ‘For whatever reason, I’m looking through my judgy lens,’” Dr. Bonior says. “Then you can remind yourself that’s probably not the most accurate or helpful perspective.’” Sometimes, you can just notice a thought and let it go—a core part of meditation—before moving on to some of the other ideas on this […]

How To Balance Wellbeing With Delivering Results

Leaders should give their people a chance to shine getty Today is the International Day of Happiness, a day established by the United Nations General Assembly to encourage people around the world to realize the importance of happiness in their lives. Work can make people happy. Unfortunately, however, it can also make them unhappy. In […]

Decision making: How to improve the outcomes of your big life choices

LIFE, it could be argued, is like a long game of blackjack. In one common version of this, each person is initially dealt two playing cards. The aim is for your hand to add to 21, or as close to this as you can get without busting. Players can either “stick” with their existing hand […]