How to lose your beer belly – without totally giving up alcohol

For a joke, some men will cradle their bulging midriffs and laugh about the investment it’s taken to grow a pot belly. “Beer isn’t cheap,” they’ll say. That’s true, but the financial cost of a beer belly is not as consequential as the considerable health costs. For men, a growing waistline can contribute to a … Read more

The nine most unhealthy WFH habits – and how to fix them

Those of us who regularly work from home are familiar with the pitfalls of easy-to-access snacks in the kitchen and a lack of activity when our commute consists of a few steps from the bedroom to the home office.  Now, new research from King’s College London has confirmed that almost half of people who moved … Read more

Why you can’t sleep – and how to fix it

You’re not still suffering from bad sleep are you? Insomnia is so 2023. In 2024, there’s an app for that. Or an orthopaedic mattress. Or a light-therapy lamp…  “The sleep economy has increased dramatically in recent years,” says Dr Guy Meadows, founder and clinical director of Sleep School, an organisation that supports people struggling with … Read more

How to get rid of earwax at home

What? … say that again. While a blocked nose can be annoying, blocked ears stuffed up with wax is maddening. Not just for you but for everyone you’re conversing with. One in five people suffer from an overproduction of earwax, leading them to spend hours of their lives digging into their lugholes to claw out … Read more

How to change your relationship with alcohol forever

The normalisation of relatively heavy wine drinking is one of the reasons why people struggle to keep within Government guidelines. Prof Nutt refers to the Hollywood show, Big Little Lies. At the start of each episode there is a warning about product placement. “Every meal, be it lunch or dinner, these women have a schooner … Read more

How to detox like the rich after Christmas – without the cost

Throughout my life I’ve toggled between extremes: making a mess (regular overeating or binges) then a vigorous clean-up (ultra-hardcore diets). It’s not all grim compulsion – I also passionately love food, exploring cuisines, and good wine. But my relationship to nourishment, and my body, is unbalanced; the only healthy constant throughout my adult life has … Read more

How to have a fall safely is you’re over 65

Spread your surface area “When I teach students how to fall, they learn to do it without using their hands, as these are the first parts of the body to get injured when hitting the ground,” says Petrides. Repeated training means he now does the same, instinctively: “On one occasion I was going to dinner … Read more

How to stop snacking and develop healthy eating habits

Put protein first Protein is “thermogenic”, which means it requires the body to expend more energy digesting it than it would with other, more processed foods. That makes you less likely to feel hungry after a protein-based meal. But eating it before the other food on your plate might also help keep you full too. … Read more