Naps can help improve your cognition. Here’s how to take a better nap
Taking an afternoon nap can boost mental acuity, according to a 2022 meta-analysis of 54 studies conducted by Chee, also a professor of medicine, and Ruth Leong, a postdoctoral researcher at the sleep centre. The researchers reported the greatest benefits for vigilance and memory, but the results also showed improved mental processing speed following a […]
How To Be Wrong – A crash course in startup success
We were watching Ferrit, Telecom’s online shopping mall, turn into a slow train wreck – all while they spent millions on billboards, TV ads and even banners on Trade Me (we were happy to take their money). We were keeping a closer eye on Zillion, the first credible local Trade Me competitor to get any traction. Our […]
Office Etiquette: How To Be Less Awkward In An Elevator
(Subjective) back-to-work tips for navigating a space where the personal and professional collide. In short, the secret can be reduced to some plain and simple advice. Don’t give off bad vibes. Don’t bad-mouth other people. But as we trot ourselves back to our 9-5 personas, it’s the time of year when social cues and office […]
How to stick to your New Year financial goals with Hannah McQueen and Jacqui Maguire – The Prosperity Project with Nadine Higgins
Financial advisor and enableMe founder, Hannah McQueen, says there are crucial ingredients in successful financial plans, and commonalities in ones that fail. “The process has got to be as smooth as possible, which means you’ve got to be able to see progress easily, and often. People don’t see progress, which is why they fall off […]
How to manage your retirement savings in your golden years – Diana Clement
The 6% rule allows retirees to withdraw 6% of their total retirement savings annually. The money isn’t going to last as long, but research shows that people tend to spend less as they age, said Alison O’Connell, a member of the New Zealand Society of Actuaries who has a background in the pensions industry. The […]
Cold brew, hot summer: How to make the perfect iced coffee at home
Combine 1 cup of coarsely ground coffee with 4 cups of filtered water in a large jar or French press. Stir, cover, and let it steep at room temperature for 12–24 hours. Strain through a fine mesh sieve or coffee filter and store the concentrate in the fridge. To serve, dilute with water or milk […]
How to rediscover joy at work in 2025
Our increasing levels of work disillusionment are correlated to a growing consciousness that we have more choices. What is harder to explain is what stops us from finding more fulfilling work. We found that the crux of being trapped in what we’ve dubbed a “Groundhog Career”, was a growing gap between the diversity of opportunities […]
Tech Insider: How to avoid Microsoft’s 38% price rise, Amazon recruits New Zealand roles for Project Kuiper
The cycle of increases began in November and will hit when your annual renewal comes up, if you’ve taken the cheaper annual option. Consumer has taken issue with the way the price increase was framed – specifically that the email announcing it makes no mention that you can in fact opt out of the price […]
Debt snowballs and debt avalanches – how to pay ongoing costs in the New Year – Diana Clement
Advisers and mentors such as Lange are often contacted by people in the New Year who don’t know how they are going to pay for essentials. Some people will have overspent, while others may have been through relationship breakups over the summer and have no idea where to start to dig their way out of […]
How to read more books: 7 tips to create a reading habit
1. Find books you’ll love The most important step when starting (or restarting) a reading habit is finding a few quick wins; readable books that will grab your attention and create momentum. Quick tip: Skip high-brow books typically featured on award lists. They may be high-quality but that doesn’t necessarily make them enjoyable and joy […]