Here’s how to retire a millionaire, according to finance pros

Goran Babic | E+ | Getty Images Building a $1 million nest egg may seem an impossible feat. However, amassing such retirement wealth is within reach for almost anyone — provided they take certain steps, financial advisors say. “You might think that, ‘Well, I have to become a Silicon Valley entrepreneur to become rich,’” said […]
Here’s how to pay for taxes on your Roth IRA conversion, advisors say

Srdjanpav | E+ | Getty Images More from FA Playbook: Here’s a look at other stories impacting the financial advisor business. When a Roth conversion is completed, you’ll owe regular income taxes on the converted balance, based on your current-year taxable income. Ideally, you’re “managing the tax bracket,” said CFP Jim Guarino, managing director at […]
How to Donate to Charity, Get a Tax Break and Have Income for Life

Tax breaks for charitable donations come in many flavors, and this year Congress has a new one for seniors called an IRA charitable gift annuity. It allows older owners of traditional IRAs to donate account funds to a charity and get tax breaks plus income payments for life. Brian and Deborah Smith of Park City, […]