Scott Gottlieb: Poultry biosecurity, vaccines may be the new normal

Wholesale egg prices have dropped by more than 40% since late February, a decline that should soon translate into broader savings for consumers at grocery stores. This welcome respite has largely resulted from the lull in significant bird flu outbreaks in recent weeks, perhaps due to seasonal patterns in the virus’s transmission. North American flyways […]

How to Protect Your Cats (and Backyard Chickens) From Bird Flu

For cats who enjoy spending time outside, Feah says that leashed walks are a good option. She also encourages cat owners to consider constructing secure catios or enclosed and covered outdoor areas, to allow the animals to still get fresh air and the sensory stimulation of being outside, but without the risk of contact with wildlife […]

How to Avoid Getting Sick This Summer

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. As flowers bloom and temperatures climb, many are eager to get back outside. But while the sun may be shining, there is a dark side that can make the great outdoors not so great. Gangs of germs are lurking in the woods, in […]