How To Systemize Your LinkedIn Like The Top 1%: Grow Your Profile Fast

How to systemize your LinkedIn like the top 1%: grow your profile fast getty Showing up to your laptop having to dream up every LinkedIn post from scratch is not the plan. Here’s the new plan: Follow a system to post consistently and watch the leads and opportunities flow in without the daily grind of […]

How To Become A Keynote Speaker And Get Paid For Your Expertise

How to become a keynote speaker and get paid for your expertise getty Getting paid to speak starts with being exceptional at something. Keynote speakers make between $5,000 and $50,000 per talk sharing what they know. They talk about their career highlights, teach what works, inspire the audience and help them succeed. They’re no smarter […]

Why Most Personal Brands Will Fail, And How To Make Sure Yours Doesn’t

Why most personal brands will fail, and how to make sure yours doesn’t getty CEOs are writing newsletters. Accountants are making TikToks. Lawyers are starting podcasts. Your LinkedIn feed is full of people sharing their morning routines and business wins. Maybe you’re doing it too. You’re building a personal brand or thinking about starting one. […]

How To Market To Inflation-Weary Consumers

This is the published version of Forbes’ CMO newsletter, which offers the latest news for chief marketing officers and other messaging-focused leaders. Click here to get it delivered to your inbox every Wednesday. Inflation has been an obstacle everyone has dealt with for the past few years. It’s added challenges to doing business and has […]

How to fight for Israel as the war with Hamas rages online

The hellhole that is social media is inescapable in nature. So much of a millennial’s life revolves around the trials and tribulations of an Instagram story or a Snapchat Snapstreak – and I haven’t even begun to touch on the serious struggle of learning a TikTok dance. I’m a journalist, but I know when […]