How to claim unclaimed deposits and investments? A step-by-step guide

The shares, dividends, and debentures that have remained unclaimed for seven years or more get transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF), a repository set up under the Companies Act of 1956. Deposits and interest left unclaimed for over 10 years in inactive bank accounts are transferred to the RBI Depositor Education Awareness […]
Health Insurance: How to avail quick cashless facility during medical emergency? A step-by-step guide

In the face of unexpected health challenges, health insurance can either emerge as a dependable ‘knight in shining armour’ or a ‘complex labyrinth to navigate’. Regrettably, in the aftermath of an emergency, individuals often develop a less favourable perception of both insurance and insurers. This perception primarily stems from a lack of understanding of the […]
Financial Planning: 4 experts share tips on how to plan your finances for 2024

Most experts believe that the key to financial planning is diversification based on your risk profile as well as the duration you want to remain invested for. Diversification is one of the most important techniques in financial planning and investment. It is basically not putting all your eggs in one basket and hence aims to […]
How to file an insurance claim for a cyclone-damaged bike? A step-by-step guide

Cyclones are an unfortunate yet common occurrence in some parts, especially along coastal regions. These powerful storms can cause widespread destruction, including damage to personal vehicles and property. If your bike was damaged due to a recent cyclone, here is a comprehensive guide to filing an insurance claim. Understanding bike insurance Most banks and non-banking […]
How to Donate to Charity, Get a Tax Break and Have Income for Life

Tax breaks for charitable donations come in many flavors, and this year Congress has a new one for seniors called an IRA charitable gift annuity. It allows older owners of traditional IRAs to donate account funds to a charity and get tax breaks plus income payments for life. Brian and Deborah Smith of Park City, […]