How To Master A Mock Interview In Any Industry

A mock interview isn’t just for students. getty Mock interviews, or practice interviews, aren’t just for students. In fact, a mock interview can benefit anyone at any experience level. Why? Because interview processes, tools and etiquette change over time. A mock interview allows you to have a dress rehearsal where you can focus on building … Read more

Here are 5 tips on how to land your next role after being laid off

Here are some tips on how to land your next role after being laid off. Violetastoimenova | E+ | Getty Images Companies around the world have continued to downsize following the overhiring spree during the pandemic. Since the start of the year, more than 57,000 employees have been laid off globally, according to From … Read more

How To Kick Off A Video Job Interview To Make A Stellar First Impression

Photo credit getty First impressions last, especially in a video job interview where your initial screen-to-screen interaction sets the stage for the entire conversation. Of course, before you dive into the heart of the interview, you need to do some prep. When your interview day arrives, take these essential steps to ensure you have a … Read more

How To Prepare For A Job Interview Using ChatGPT

Prepare for an interview with ChatGPT and gain a big advantage. getty There is significant competition for jobs today and you want to gain every possible advantage—and ChatGPT help you get it. Among all it takes to land your next opportunity, ChatCPT is especially effective in helping you prepare for the interview. Using the tools … Read more

How to Maintain Hope in an Age of Catastrophe

In the first half century of his career, Robert Jay Lifton published five books based on long-term studies of seemingly vastly different topics. For his first book, “Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism,” Lifton interviewed former inmates of Chinese reëducation camps. Trained as both a psychiatrist and a psychoanalyst, Lifton used the interviews to … Read more