How to ‘Trump proof’ the transatlantic relationship? – POLITICO

“It’s been very successful,” said Daniel Mullaney, the former top U.S. negotiator on trade issues with Europe, of the TTC. “We’ve had high-level attention, including at the presidential levels, on all of these issues. That’s kept the momentum going.” The question now is what happens if Trump wins back the White House in November. Even … Read more

How to instill good money habits in teenagers

Nidhi is the mother of 14-year-old Abeer, and has been having difficulty managing his demands. She keeps a close watch on how the money is spent and is confident that her son doesn’t have any bad habits. However, Abeer wants the latest electronic gadgets, money to spend in school every day, and over the weekends, … Read more

A Lens On How To Choose Your Next Investment Or Startup Job

Making career and investment decisions getty I was recently asked what I look for in the founders I back? A heuristic I find particularly valuable is asking myself: in another world, would I work for this founder? In this post, I hope to help you to not only make better investment decisions, but also better … Read more

MFs to PPF: How to start off your newborn’s investment journey

Parents can start investing for these long-term goals immediately after childbirth. They can do so using their own bank accounts or start a new one for the child. These days, many parents prefer to open separate accounts for their children and invest in them—investments that can be accessed by the children after they turn 18 … Read more