How to see geisha in Japan – and how to behave

Rigorously trained as apprentices (known as maiko) for years, they are deeply accomplished entertainers, who have mastered a medley of traditional Japanese art forms, from dancing and playing musical instruments to tea ceremony and the art of conversation. The geisha world has long thrived in Kyoto in particular. The ancient city was the capital of … Read more

Western allies split over how to make Putin pay  – POLITICO

It’s a plan that U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration is backing heavily but so far Europe’s most powerful governments in Paris, Berlin and Rome are unconvinced. Washington policymakers are piling pressure on their allies to ditch their hang-ups over what would be an unprecedented step fraught with legal, ethical and political difficulties. “It’s never been … Read more

How to play Japanese stocks, finally hitting a new high after 34 years

You think the S & P 500 at an historic high is something to celebrate? Imagine how the Japanese feel. Japan’s Nikkei 225 index , a price-weighted index of 225 Japanese stocks, has also hit an historic high. But unlike the S & P 500, which has been hitting historic highs regularly, it’s been 34 years … Read more