How to thrive as an introvert

Life as an introvert isn’t always easy. When I describe someone as an “introvert”, people expect them to be quiet, introspective, and self-contained. The sort who are more comfortable behind a camera than in front of it. Extroverts are typically seen as outgoing and social — the kind of people who excel at public speaking … Read more

How long should you stay at your job? How to switch strategically

A majority of Americans, 95%, said they plan to look for a new job this year, according to a January 2024 survey by job site Monster. Money is a big reason, with 45% of workers saying they need a higher income. Data from the Federal Reserve shows that job switchers increase their salaries more quickly, on average, than … Read more

Samantha Bluemel: How to build lasting fitness and wellbeing habits for a longer life

Longevity, seen as the ultimate reason for a healthy lifestyle, involves a mix of good eating, regular exercise, stress management, and quality sleep. Photo / 123rf Personal trainer Samantha Bluemel shares insights on how to balance pleasure and longevity, explore extreme longevity lifestyles, manage genetics for a healthier life, and prioritise well-being for a brighter, … Read more

How to disagree better – The Atlantic

Our writers’ perspectives on arguing and communicating in healthier ways Damir Sagolj / Reuters February 17, 2024, 8 AM ET This is an edition of The Wonder Reader, a newsletter in which our editors recommend a set of stories to spark your curiosity and fill you with delight. Sign up here to get it every … Read more

How to find a hidden camera in a hotel room or house? We tested 5 ways

Hidden cameras are being found in hotel rooms, house rentals, cruise ships, and even airplane bathrooms, leaving many travelers to wonder: “Could a hidden camera be watching me?” Spycams, as they’re called, are getting smaller, harder to find and easier to buy. From alarm clocks to air fresheners, water bottles and toothbrush holders, cameras come … Read more

Cabbing in Italy can be a gnarly affair. Here’s how to navigate it

I knew something was amiss when the taxi meter read 10.50 euros as we pulled away from the Roma Termini train station. While negotiating the evening rush hour traffic and typing into a translation app on his cell phone, the cab driver suggested the starting fare included a surcharge for all rides from Rome’s main … Read more

What to say instead of ‘you can do anything’

Jose Luis Pelaez Inc | Digitalvision | Getty Images Despite your instincts, telling your child that they can do “anything” can be counterproductive. “‘You can do anything,’ is positive, but it’s very generalized,” according to Joanna North, a consultant psychotherapist. “I think that we need to draw it down to specifics for children, and [find] … Read more

How to make small talk if you are to succeed socially this Christmas

“Hello, lovely to meet you. So, how much do you weigh?”  Don’t worry, you needn’t answer unless you wish to. But you’ll agree it’s a useful reminder of how not to make small talk if you want to succeed socially this Christmas. You might assume it’s intuitive to avoid highly personal questions when shooting the … Read more