Why you can’t sleep – and how to fix it

You’re not still suffering from bad sleep are you? Insomnia is so 2023. In 2024, there’s an app for that. Or an orthopaedic mattress. Or a light-therapy lamp…  “The sleep economy has increased dramatically in recent years,” says Dr Guy Meadows, founder and clinical director of Sleep School, an organisation that supports people struggling with … Read more

How to stop obsessing about work in your free time

It’s an unfortunate reality that once you’re finally out of the office, off the clock, unreachable by the powers that be (your boss), is exactly when you start over analyzing every detail of your work day.  You might find that you stress about your job more when you’re laying in bed or watching Netflix than you … Read more

The No. 1 mistake people make while arguing—and how to fix it

You might assume winning arguments — over politics, a work project, or even where to eat — requires hours of researching data and rehearsing well-informed points. Not necessarily, says Jonah Berger, a marketing professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. Most people think changing minds requires “some version of pushing” with “more facts, more … Read more

How to Rewire Your Brain for Success

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Our thoughts, beliefs, and habits shape our reality, and rewiring the brain is the key to unlocking our true potential. John Assaraf story serves as a testament to the transformative power of mindset and the ability to overcome adversity. Assaraf’s journey began with early struggles in school … Read more

How to stay warm in layered clothing and avoid frostbite this winter

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — As a bout of bitter and deadly cold sweeps the U.S., millions of Americans are being told to dress in layers if they must go outside. In places that rarely experience bone-chilling temperatures, that advice can be confounding. What does it mean to layer up? Is it different from just putting on … Read more

What does it mean to ‘buy and homework?’ Here’s how to get started

Here’s our Club Mailbag email [email protected] — so you send your questions directly to Jim Cramer and his team of analysts. We can’t offer personal investing advice. We will only consider more general questions about the investment process or stocks in the portfolio or related industries. This week’s question: When you say to study each … Read more

How to look expensive (without spending big)

Plus: Have a style dilemma? Ask Lisa about it below Given the clobbering most of us have had from interest rates, inflation and other irritating impediments to shopping at Prada (welcome to 2024), it’s probably a good idea to remind ourselves how to get the best from the high street. Skill up, I say. There … Read more

Gardening: How to spend the winter planning and preparing for the spring

Gardening isn’t usually the first thing that springs to mind when the calendar page turns to January. But with the holidays behind us, there’s no better time to start planning and preparing our 2024 gardens. Of course, that will mean different things in different places. It’s impossible to account for every microclimate in every region, … Read more

How to detox like the rich after Christmas – without the cost

Throughout my life I’ve toggled between extremes: making a mess (regular overeating or binges) then a vigorous clean-up (ultra-hardcore diets). It’s not all grim compulsion – I also passionately love food, exploring cuisines, and good wine. But my relationship to nourishment, and my body, is unbalanced; the only healthy constant throughout my adult life has … Read more