How to make small talk if you are to succeed socially this Christmas

“Hello, lovely to meet you. So, how much do you weigh?”  Don’t worry, you needn’t answer unless you wish to. But you’ll agree it’s a useful reminder of how not to make small talk if you want to succeed socially this Christmas. You might assume it’s intuitive to avoid highly personal questions when shooting the … Read more

How To Switch Home Insurance

Whether you’re looking to save money or simply unhappy with your homeowners insurance company, you can switch providers at any time. That said, you want to follow the right steps to ensure you get the financial protection you need and avoid a lapse in coverage (and its resulting consequences). Below, CNBC Select explains the step-by-step … Read more

How to Create a Soulful but Up-to-Date Kitchen

DON’T LET the exposed brick fool you. Until recently, this vibrant kitchen in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, was dingy, dull and stripped of original details—the victim of a hit-and-run renovation that removed every bit of character from the circa-1900 row house, says architect-designer Sarah Jacoby. The upshot? In 2022, when the new owners, an education administrator and … Read more

How to stop snacking and develop healthy eating habits

Put protein first Protein is “thermogenic”, which means it requires the body to expend more energy digesting it than it would with other, more processed foods. That makes you less likely to feel hungry after a protein-based meal. But eating it before the other food on your plate might also help keep you full too. … Read more

What to ask kids instead of ‘how was school?’

Courtney Hale | E+ | Getty Images “How was school?” and “How was your day?” aren’t the best questions to ask children after a day at school, according to psychologists. “‘How was your day?’ could mean 100 things,” Dr. Linda Papadopoulos, a psychologist, author and broadcaster, told CNBC by phone. “Those very wide questions are … Read more

How to use Apple Watch to calculate tip and split the check

Your Apple Watch can help you calculate the tip and split a check at a restaurant with just a few taps. The feature is built right into the calculator app, and all you need to do is enter the amount of the check, the percentage you want to tip and the number of people with … Read more