The Corporate Race For Implementing AI Is Hot. Here’s How To Get Ahead

Wearable device concept. Smart watch. Health care technology. Sportstech. getty Generative AI adoption at work feels like the corporate equivalent of the space race. Everyone is rushing to adopt it, B2B partnerships are forming rapidly (such as NVIDIA and McKinsey and PwC and OpenAI), and employees are scrambling to learn what it means for their … Read more

How To Craft Your Digital First Impression To Advance Your Career

Photo credit getty You’ve heard it countless times: “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” In the digital age, this wisdom takes on a new dimension as your online presence often serves as your first impression. When you align your virtual brand with the real you, you ensure that you’re delivering … Read more

How To Discover, Define, And Deliver On Your Personal Brand

Photo credit getty Discovering, defining, and delivering on your personal brand is an essential journey towards increasing both your professional success and the satisfaction you derive from your work. It is a process that involves self-discovery, storytelling, and strategy. Your personal brand is your career’s most valuable asset, and cultivating it effectively through a structured … Read more

5 Mistakes Wrecking Your AI Adoption Strategy—And How To Fix Them

retro robot has a power failure on a old wooden floor getty The AI revolution is not looming on the horizon – it’s here, it’s now and it’s transforming industries at their core. However, despite the buzz and the clear potential for growth, not every AI adoption strategy is a success story. According to the … Read more

LinkedIn Tells People if You Look at Their Profile. Here’s How to Turn That Off

LinkedIn may or may not be the perfect Twitter replacement, but one thing is for sure: It’s a profoundly weird place. Staying active on the platform is basically required for today’s knowledge workers to find employment, which is odd. Also, it’s a place where a lot of people spend time pretending recruiters and hiring managers … Read more

How To Network Like a Pro in 2024

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Networking looks different this year than at any other time in the history of the business universe. We can engage in new business relationships with the push of a button. From joining MeetUps to engaging in social audio to live streaming, we, as entrepreneurs, can build our … Read more

How To Identify Growth Opportunities For Your Career

Seize new career growth opportunities now to accelerate your success Getty Images Thousands of professionals today are looking for something more, different and better in their careers and professional lives, but aren’t sure how to get it. Many want to uplevel their skills and capabilities to reach a higher level of impact and also experience … Read more