How to protect your money when you get married after 50

Tying the knot later in life is becoming more common. The most recent data from the Office for National Statistics shows that a fifth of marriages are now between those aged 50 and over.  Along with a new lease of joy and happiness, marriage – or civil partnership – can bring a side helping of … Read more

How to balance extended family in a relationship

Avoid sharing personal details If your relationship has some challenges, your partner may feel their privacy was violated when these issues are discussed with the family members. It is a major breach of trust you have built with your partner. So, keep them between you two and avoid the urge to involve a third person, … Read more

The No. 1 communication mistake couples make—and how to avoid it

Marriage psychologists, divorce lawyers, and therapists all say that struggling romantic relationships have one thing in common: bad communication. On a recent episode of the podcast “Ten Percent Happier,” host Dan Harris interviewed Charles Duhigg, a journalist and author of the new book “Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection” about why people … Read more

How to deal with same-sex unions? It’s a question fracturing major Christian denominations

Catholics around the world are sharply divided by the Vatican’s recent declaration giving priests more leeway to bless same-sex couples. Supporters of LGBTQ inclusion welcome the move; some conservative bishops assail the new policy as a betrayal of the church’s condemnation of sexual relations between gay or lesbian partners. Strikingly, the flare-up of debate in … Read more

How to respond to a rude comment from your in-laws

There are many environments where it would benefit you to check any people-pleasing tendencies at the door: work, romantic relationships, even friendships. Holidays at your in-laws’ house is not one of them, says Sara Jane Ho, a Harvard-trained etiquette expert. Ho is the founder of the finishing school Institute Sarita, host of the Netflix show … Read more

How to date a widower

When is it acceptable to consider dating a widower? How do you know if they are still grieving and not ready to move on? According to statistics, men die earlier than women, so I was surprised this year to meet several whose wives had died before them. Divorced since the early 1990s, I had no … Read more

Here’s how to prevent a costly divorce

We all know divorces are not uncommon in the U.S. Some of the most public splits over the years have included those of celebrities such as Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony, Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, and most recently, Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner. In 2021, there were nearly 700,000 … Read more