'Spring Anxiety' Is Real—Here's How to Handle It | SELF

If the transition out of winter makes you feel restless, overwhelmed, or on edge, you're not alone. Experts share why this happens and how to … Source link
Psychology is revealing how to have a better relationship with money

Conversations with your hairdresser can be quite revealing. And when I went for a trim earlier this year, the gossip was especially good. It was close enough to Christmas for our chat to turn to gifts and giving and, as he snipped away, my stylist had some juicy anecdotes to share. One customer had complained […]
Why you’re having a hard time making friends—and how to fix it

Research shows that social relationships outside your family are crucial to maintaining a happy, healthy, long life. But as we get older, spouses, children and aging parents can monopolize the time we were once able to dedicate to nurturing friendships. Less that one-third of adults ages 30 to 49 say they have five or more […]
How To Be Happy As An Entrepreneur

How to be happy as an entrepreneur getty Running a business takes everything you’ve got. Most entrepreneurs push themselves to breaking point, skip meals and workouts, and believe the grind equals growth. But science tells us happiness comes from balance, not burnout. The most successful founders know this, and they protect their wellbeing like they […]
4 ways your workplace encourages toxic productivity—and how to fix it

It’s normal and expected for a job to encourage you to be engaged and productive, but unfortunately there are some workplaces that breed the perfect conditions for toxic productivity. Toxic productivity is “working and needing to be productive, even at the detriment of your own health and wellbeing,” according to Jennifer Moss, professional speaker and author […]
How to Not Take Things So Personally, According to Experts

As someone who’s been called “too sensitive” more times than I can count, I get that attempting to learn how to not take things personally can feel about as possible as trying to “just relax” or “stop overthinking.” (What else am I supposed to assume when a friend leaves my last three texts on delivered—meanwhile […]
What Is ‘Cancer Ghosting’? Here’s How To Deal With It

“Cancer ghosting” is when people whom you thought would be around and offer support suddenly … [+] disappear after you’ve been diagnosed with cancer. (Photo: Getty) getty Few people would say, “Gee, I really would like to be ghosted.” That’s under any circumstances, let alone when they have cancer. But visit discussion forums like Reddit, […]
I’m a Psychologist Who Used to Hate Winter—Here’s How to Learn to Love It

It’s not that people never complained about the weather up in the Nordic countries, Dr. Leibowitz says. But she observed that they were big on what she calls “winter-positive small talk,” too—like chatting about how soft and stunning the natural light was and how comfy and restorative the next few months would be. The takeaway: […]
How to tell someone 'no' and not feel guilty about it, from an Ivy League behavioral scientist

If you find saying "no" daunting, try to stop thinking about how the other person will respond, says Cornell University behavioral scientist … Source link
How to Build a Healthier Relationship With Your Screen

Whether it’s for work, convenience, connection or entertainment, we rely on digital technology. But the prevailing wisdom is that our screen-based lives are not good for us—that our digital devices and apps are addictive and harmful, wrecking attention span, sleep, and more. However, research suggests screen time isn’t actually the driving force behind declines in […]