How to master great conversation, even if you’re shy

It’s surprising to me that we don’t talk about talking more, how to do it well or how to use it to help ourselves and others, especially as The World Health Organisation have recently declared loneliness as a “global public health concern” and an even greater concern than obesity. The US surgeon general has even […]

Are you overeating? Here’s how to tell – and break the habit

Why do we overeat? Emotional eating is the most common reason for overeating, often because of stress, sadness or low energy. It can also be a symptom of depression. In these cases, food is used as a coping mechanism to deal with problems or difficult emotions. It becomes a survival strategy and people may think […]

how to set boundaries at work—what to say

Long hours, heavy workloads, tight deadlines, job insecurity, a lack of control over your schedule and generally feeling unsupported can leave you feeling unhappy and discontented with your work environment. If gone unchecked for too long, this kind of chronic workplace stress can lead to job burnout. As a Harvard-trained psychologist, one of the best ways […]

How to stop over-medicalising mental health

FOR A PLACE with a reputation for buttoned-up stoicism, Britain is remarkably open about mental health. The British are more likely than people in any other rich country to think that mental illness is a disease like any other. Only the Swedes are more accepting of the idea that a history of mental-health problems should […]

‘When I feel depression knocking on the door, I know how to turn it away’

Philip Morgan, 66, reframed his mindset after going through a series of health challenges, including silent strokes (caused by a frontal lobe lesion), a cancer diagnosis, and young-onset vascular dementia. “Life seemed simply hopeless,” he says. “I can now however talk about good ways to overcome hopelessness”. Once sceptical about alternative mind and body practices, […]

How to decenter work and live a purposeful life: psychology expert

Jodi Wellman, a positive psychology expert, was an executive leader for 17 years but realized that achieving the pinnacle of success wasn’t bringing her any joy. “I was, like many people, achievement-oriented. I tied my sense of self-worth to what I was doing, how much I was producing, what the name on my business card […]

How to Be Less Judgmental

“Pausing helps us recognize, ‘For whatever reason, I’m looking through my judgy lens,’” Dr. Bonior says. “Then you can remind yourself that’s probably not the most accurate or helpful perspective.’” Sometimes, you can just notice a thought and let it go—a core part of meditation—before moving on to some of the other ideas on this […]

How to use the fear of death to live your best life: psychology expert

Westend61 | Westend61 | Getty Images How often do you think about death? The thought of no longer existing is too painful and grim for many to bear and is frequently avoided, but one psychology expert thinks people need to face their fear of death head-on to live more fulfilling lives. “My top tip is […]

How to Stop Obsessing About What Other People Think of You

As much as I’d love to pretend otherwise, I sometimes care a little too much about what other people think of me. Are those tourists judging the way I look while I run? Does my boss see me as a screw-up after making that mistake? Is my latest Instagram story kind of cringe? These self-conscious […]