Why campus protests worsen divisions, and how to mediate: Advice from Eboo Patel

Listen: On this episode of the GZERO World Podcast with Ian Bremmer, Eboo Patel, founder of Interfaith America, advocates for cooperation over division on college campuses in response to protests, highlighting the need for civil discourse and pointing out that despite some instances of violence, most campuses engage in constructive dialogue. Whether you are for … Read more

Netanyahu says Israel will decide how to respond to Iran’s attack

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday his country would be the one to decide whether and how to respond to Iran’s major air assault earlier this week, brushing off calls for restraint from close allies. Israel has vowed to respond to Iran’s unprecedented attack without saying when or how, leaving the … Read more

How to distract a starving child: Hunger in Rafah amid Israel’s war on Gaza | Israel War on Gaza News

Rafah, Gaza – A tiny little girl called Wafaa is sitting in front of a tent in Tal as-Sultan, playing in the sand listlessly as she cries with hunger. It is difficult to tell how old she is given her emaciated frame, but her mother, Tahrir Baraka, 36, tells Al Jazeera that Wafaa is two … Read more

Geminid meteor shower: Where, when and how to watch it | Space News

EXPLAINER Considered an annual favourite, the Geminid meteor shower which peaks tonight is believed to be intensifying each year. Tuesday’s new moon has left a dim sky for one of the year’s most illuminating meteor showers to sparkle across it even more brightly. The Geminid meteor shower will reach its peak at about 19:00 GMT … Read more

Analysis: How to enforce the Israel-Hamas truce | Israel-Palestine conflict News

The pause was agreed to on Tuesday night, announced on Wednesday and was expected to temporarily halt the war on Thursday morning. But the fighting did not stop and in fact, seemed to intensify. Aerial bombardment continued, supporting Israeli forces trying to get as close as possible to the centre of Gaza City before the … Read more