One Tech Tip: How to block your phone from tracking your location

LONDON (AP) — Smartphones are useful tools for everyday life, but they’re privy to nearly everything about you, including all the places you’ve been — if you let them. When you use a map app to find the new restaurant your friend recommended, or your phone’s browser to check the price of something you saw […]
One Tech Tip: How to get the most life out of your device

LONDON (AP) — If you want to use your shiny new iPhone for as long as possible, you better take good care of it. Most people are now holding on to smartphones longer instead of regularly upgrading them, and there are many reasons why. At the dawn of the smartphone age, you might have upgraded […]
How to break bad digital habits

Smartphones, first introduced in 1992, have become an integral part of our everyday lives — from communicating with loved ones to managing our finances. The frequent use of them and other tech devices can be draining and distracting and still, it is difficult for us to cut down. Americans check their phones 144 times a […]
How to stop doomscrolling and reclaim your brain – podcast | Science
If you’ve made a resolution to spend less time on your phone this year, help is at hand. The Guardian has launched a new newsletter, Reclaim your brain. Its co-writer and expert coach Catherine Price tells Madeleine Finlay how her own excessive phone use inspired her to investigate the science behind our relationships with our […]
Android 14: how to customize your lock screen

Smartphone users unlock their phones, on average, an incredible 150 times a day. That means you’re going to see your lock screen an awful lot, so it should absolutely be something you like looking at. Even if you’re only seeing it for a few seconds while you press your finger to the screen or wait […]
How to use Apple Music’s Favorite Songs playlist in iOS 17

Apple Music has always been a powerful platform for streaming and discovering new music. With the latest updates of iOS 17.1 and 17.2, Apple has introduced new features that make it even easier to add your favorite songs to your music library. Doing so takes just a few steps. Before getting started, be sure to […]
iOS 17: How to share contacts using Apple’s NameDrop feature

If you’re like most Apple fans, you likely have your whole life stored on your iPhone, from significant events in your calendar and photos to a long list of friends, family, and co-workers with whom you’ve made those memories. However, as useful as the Contacts and Phone apps on your iPhone 15 are for keeping […]
iOS 17: how to use photo cutout to cut and paste images

The iPhone has so many clever and fun little features that it’s easy to miss some of them. One of the most whimsical features to come along in recent years is the ability to lift the subject of a photo away from the background so you can use it elsewhere — whether that’s sharing it […]