Are you overeating? Here’s how to tell – and break the habit

Why do we overeat? Emotional eating is the most common reason for overeating, often because of stress, sadness or low energy. It can also be a symptom of depression. In these cases, food is used as a coping mechanism to deal with problems or difficult emotions. It becomes a survival strategy and people may think … Read more

How to eat out when you want to lose weight

The verdict Ultimately, going out will always be more indulgent than eating at home. Hope is right to point out that if we’re doing it frequently, it’s worth paying attention.  “If you think about it objectively, a three course meal is a lot of food and way more than you would eat if you were … Read more

from common triggers to the best treatments

According to Dr Patel, rosacea’s key feature is redness: “flushing which typically lasts longer than 10 minutes.” Less visible – yet equally annoying – symptoms include: Skin irritation A burning/tingling sensation Dryness Tearing Blurred vision Hypersensitivity How should people know the flushing is rosacea – instead of menopausal, or from that final glass of red … Read more

How to stop snacking and develop healthy eating habits

Put protein first Protein is “thermogenic”, which means it requires the body to expend more energy digesting it than it would with other, more processed foods. That makes you less likely to feel hungry after a protein-based meal. But eating it before the other food on your plate might also help keep you full too. … Read more