Shark attacks: Expert’s advice on how to coexist in NZ waters this summer

“It’s just tragic. It’s the worst thing that can happen to a family, a person, or a community,” said shark expert Dr Riley Elliott. “While shark attacks are statistically improbable, they are always tragic and should not be undermined.” Kahukore-Dixon’s death was different from the other recent fatal attacks, as it happened in the remote […]
Budget NZ weddings: How to get married for $500 – or less

While a designer dress and picturesque Hawke’s Bay vineyard venue a la Jacinda Ardern and Clarke Gayford’s nuptials might be the dream wedding for some, others set their sights – and budgets – on a smaller big day. Reporter Harriet Laughton finds out how Kiwi couples can get hitched on a shoestring. A backyard ceremony […]