Get Things Done with ADHD

If “just do it” worked, we would have already done it. But we haven’t. Because with ADHD, we know what we need to do but not how to get it done. Cue problems with procrastination, lack of motivation, disorganization, sticking to routines, and other challenges. And there’s no time like the New Year to force … Read more

How to navigate OCD during the holiday season: Therapist shares tips | Health

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental condition where a person experiences repetitions and compulsive thoughts. Engaging in repetitive behaviours and significant distress are some of the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. With the holiday season being here, it can be increasingly difficult for people with obsessive-compulsive disorder with stress and anxiety looming on them. “Holidays can exacerbate … Read more