The reality of working mum guilt and how to stay connected to your kids

“The obligation for working mothers is a very precise one: the feeling that one ought to work as if one did not have children, while raising one’s children as if one did not have a job.” So said Australian political journalist Annabel Crabb. I can identify. After all, I have had a few (OK, fine, […]

How to talk to children about the Bondi stabbings

In short: Experts warn parents should be on the look out for signs their children may be affected by ongoing news coverage of the Bondi stabbings. Signs to look out for are becoming withdrawn, asking questions, sleep problems or acting out. They encourage parents to be open and reassure children while not dismissing their emotions. […]

How to help the whole family break their screen habit

Family glued to separate devices? Elise Waghorn shares some tips for connecting again. It’s Saturday afternoon and the kids are all connected to separate devices. So are the parents. Sound familiar? Many families want to set ground rules to help them reduce their screen time – and have time to connect with each other, without […]

Why some children fear dogs and how to help them overcome it

When Josh Kilroy was a toddler, he was bitten on the face by his family’s pet dog. A few years later, he was jumping on a neighbour’s trampoline when their dog “launched” and bit him on the back — and wouldn’t let go. “I was petrified from here on out of dogs until I was […]

The No. 1 gentle parenting mistake and how to avoid it

In her new book “The 5 Principles of Parenting: Your Essential Guide to Raising Good Humans,” Aliza Pressman outlines how parents can raise resilient kids. Pressman is a developmental psychologist and co-founder of the Mount Sinai Parenting Center. One key step is self-regulation, or the ability to respond to experiences in a way that is socially […]

‘Co-regulation’ is the new parenting buzzword: How to do it

The increasing popularity of “gentle parenting” has launched a new buzzword into the child-rearing landscape: co-regulation.  Co-regulation refers to an adult helping a child soothe their own emotions during a stressful incident. Let’s say a child has a meltdown at the supermarket. Instead of admonishing them, gentle parenting, also known as responsive parenting, calls for […]

Teach your kids how to get angry

No parent looks forward to their child’s next tantrum.  But instead of dreading it, treating each tantrum as a learning opportunity could help your child learn to better manage their emotions — a skill they’ll need to be happier and more successful as they grow up. After all, the occasional angry outburst is inevitable, says […]

Do you have an impatient or demanding kid? here’s how to respond

Parenting can be tricky. While we want to ensure that we provide the best of everything to our children, it is also important to be strict at times when we need to teach values and skills to the children. Children can act up at times – when they show tantrums or behave impatiently, it can […]

how to deal with missing your children when you’re away from them

It was last Monday that it truly hit. The recognition that I was going to be seeing my children for half of their childhood since divorcing. My kitchen clock showed 3.15pm, their school pick-up time. A wash of sadness came over me as I thought about them bundling out of school without me to scoop […]