How to Make Carbon Pricing Work for Africa by Rim Berahab & Otaviano Canuto

As the world prepares for COP30 in Belém, Brazil, African countries have an opportunity to advocate for equitable carbon-pricing mechanisms that align climate action with sustainable development. While cutting emissions is important, so, too, is ensuring fairness and equity for the communities most vulnerable to climate change. RABAT – Carbon pricing is a crucial climate-policy […]

Rethinking How to Address Irregular Migration from Africa by Linguère Mously Mbaye

Political instability, human rights violations, and limited job prospects are driving a growing number of young Africans to seek a better life abroad, both within and outside the continent. To reduce irregular migration, it is crucial to provide potential migrants with opportunities to improve their lives at home. ABIDJAN – Irregular migration from Africa has […]

Can We Consume Character? How to Learn Justice by Feasting

In the Old Testament, Israel found herself surrounded by monarchies and empires with powerful rulers and highly stratified societies, and she eventually sought to emulate that kind of system. Such political economies were filled with bureaucrats, professional soldiers, priestly classes, and—down at the bottom of the social pyramid—peasants. The peasants, of course, were expected to […]