How to get rid of New York City rats without brutality? Birth control is one idea

New York lawmakers are proposing rules to humanely drive down the population of rats and other rodents, eyeing contraception and a ban on glue traps as alternatives to poison or a slow, brutal death. Politicians have long come up with creative ways to battle the rodents, but some lawmakers are now proposing city and statewide […]
Billy ‘The Exterminator’ reveals how to get rid of stoner rats plaguing New Orleans

Billy “The Exterminator” Bretherton is stepping up to give New Orleans officials advice after rats broke into the police department’s evidence room and appeared to get high on marijuana. “It takes three things for successful rat infestation to get out-of-hand: that’s food, harborage and water,” Bretherton told “The Ingraham Angle” on Thursday. “If you have the […]