Kūmara: How to grow a bountiful crop – Kem Ormond’s vegetable garden
Kūmara need a frost-free growing season, so it’s best to plant them after the last frost date in your area. (around September to November) They usually take four to six months to mature. Kūmara is high in fibre providing essential nutrients including calcium and iron, it is a superfood of the garden and divine when […]
How to become Europe’s next TikTok politician – POLITICO
And if you are not clear on how to get there, Declassified is here to help. We have gathered the best advice (not based on any research or scientific study whatsoever) from the most politically astute minds at POLITICO Towers (according to our mums anyway) and have compiled what can only be described as the […]
Seasonal skincare: How to properly care for your skin in colder weather – News
One UAB expert offers several tips for keeping skin healthy this fall and winter. One UAB expert offers several tips for keeping skin healthy this fall and winter. As the end of the year approaches and seasons change, the body naturally reacts to the shifts in temperature and environment. Of course, the body’s largest and […]
How to build a decade of national renewal: Five lessons from history
The new government has promised to usher in a decade of national renewal. Its intention is to speed up growth in living standards and close the wide gaps between regions; to restart the engine of social mobility between and within generations; to make Britain a healthier and safer country, with its health service and police […]
What it means to be a ‘highly sensitive person’ (and how to tell if you’re one)
Have you ever had the sense that you are more sensitive than other people? Perhaps you find yourself experiencing more emotion than friends or family, or find yourself overwhelmed by bright lights, sirens or the feel of certain fabrics. If this sounds familiar, you might be a “highly sensitive person”, or HSP as it’s often […]
Fall prevention: How to prevent falls in older adults – News
An expert from the new UAB Falls Clinic provides tips on how to keep older adults safe from falls. An expert from the new UAB Falls Clinic provides tips on how to keep older adults safe from falls.More than one in four people age 65 years or older fall each year. The risk of falling […]
How to spend €14.1B windfall from Apple – POLITICO
And finally in 2021, as the administration of Joe Biden and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development jointly pushed to force low-tax jurisdictions such as Ireland to raise their rates closer to international norms in the mid-20s, the Irish held out until they won a commitment to cap that increase at 15 percent. That […]
Estonia knows how to spend EU money – POLITICO
Alongside the major regional development projects, a minor part of the fund will be dedicated to entertainment activities which, the Estonian finance ministry says, will give residents the opportunity to participate in the transition process through civic initiatives. “Anyone with an idea that meets the grant conditions can submit an application to the implementing unit […]
Memory researchers share how to never forget someone’s name
It’s time to forgive yourself for forgetting. Two cognitive psychology researchers are debunking common misconceptions about human memory while sharing easy ways to recall different types of information. Dr. Megan Sumeracki and Dr. Althea Need Kaminske say that some forgetfulness is natural because it allows the brain to remember more stuff. Memory is “more like […]
How to prevent ideas from getting lost in translation
Why doesn’t government innovate more? One possibility is that people with great ideas can’t explain them succinctly to the people in charge of carrying them out. The problem is so common that three veteran writers about government innovation are trying to address it in a new book called The Little Guide to Writing for Impact. […]