“No-buy pledge” catches on with TikTokers. Here’s what to know and how to start.

Many Americans overextending credit card limits, especially young people Many Americans overextending credit card limits, especially young people 03:36 The first rule of the “no-buy” trend? Talk about the no-buy trend.  What started several years ago as a blogged-about experiment in budgeting and mindful spending has become a popular trend on social media. For the … Read more

Jesse Alvarez guilty of murder after Googling ‘How to kill your ex’s fiancé’

A San Diego man charged with offing his ex-girlfriend’s fiance was found guilty of murder Monday — after records showed he searched online how to carry out the grisly misdeed. Prosecutors presented evidence that Jesse Alvarez, 33, Googled “how to kill your ex’s fiancé” and “in California can you shoot someone trying to rob you?” … Read more

How to prepare for the storm coming to San Diego – NBC 7 San Diego

County urges residents to plan ahead, sign up for alerts, get storm updates San Diego County and California leaders are urging residents to prepare for this upcoming storm, advising residents to stay home if they could and avoiding areas that could flood if they must leave home. This storm comes as many San Diego residents … Read more