How to set financial objectives to progress towards your financial goals? Here are 4 key ways

“The Almanack of Naval Ravikant” underscores the importance of setting a clear goal, particularly in the realm of business. Naval Ravikant’s approach to achieving wealth and financial success is distinctive because he emphasizes personal growth as a crucial factor for professional achievement. Having a defined financial goal is crucial as it guides decisions on earning … Read more

How to manage your anticipated salary appraisals?

This season marks the period when employers are actively evaluating their employees’ performance before determining their respective appraisals. The appraisal review often results in a salary increase for many, creating opportunities for financial growth. Achieving a salary increase is a significant milestone, but it’s crucial to employ a strategic approach in utilizing those extra funds. … Read more

Paying your dues in the UK: How to save money on taxes

Schemes such as the Married Couple’s Allowance and pension tax relief could help UK taxpayers save money. ADVERTISEMENT While taxes may be an inevitable, if somewhat tedious part of our lives, nobody wants to be paying more than necessary. Although the UK has relatively lower tax than several European countries, with the cost of living … Read more

How To Tighten Up Your Financial Plan In 2024

(Photo by Kevin Moloney/Liaison) Getty Images With the presidential election coming up, it’s going to be an interesting year, to say the least. Don’t get distracted by the political headlines. If you don’t have a financial plan, it’s time to get going. In its 2023 Retirement Readiness Report, Betterment at Work found “less than half … Read more

New Year 2024: How to level up financial knowledge with the rule of 72?

As the new year unfolds, our aspirations centre around witnessing the growth of our finances. There’s an unparalleled satisfaction in realizing your financial objectives, particularly after dedicated periods of investment. The ongoing fluctuations in the market have spurred numerous individuals to delve into the intricacies of personal finance. Simple calculations, such as formula 72, have … Read more