New 2-minute, 7-question test determines how strong your relationship is — here’s how to try it

Put your relationship to the test. Psychology professors have crafted a short quiz to determine how successful your romantic relationship is in only seven questions. Called the “Valentine’s Scale,” the test asks about collaboration, trust, conflicts, emotional closeness and overall satisfaction, assigning a score after the questionnaire is completed in just two minutes. On the […]
How to Plan Your Wedding According to Astrological Timing

Once we got engaged and had decided on the year and general season of when we wanted to get married, then we had to find a date that both worked with people’s schedules and also had optimum astrology. I don’t believe the wedding date plays a decisive role in the fate of the relationship; I […]
How to end a relationship without having to dump someone: Jana Hocking

I recently discovered a cheeky psychology trick that was quite brilliant and I thought, “Ooh, I could turn that into a break-up hack.” It wasn’t designed to be used in this way (sorry, Freud!) and it’s a slightly shameless thing to do, if I’m being honest. But I think I might be on to something. […]